Other Service Providers
The following is a list of service providers for Albany and greater New York Residents.
Empire Justice Center
119 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY, 12210
Empire Justice Center supports clients in the areas of Civil Rights, Crime Victims, Domestic Violence, Economic Justice, Housing, Education, Government Benefits, Health, Immigration, LGBTQ Rights, Police Reform Project, School Discrimination, Social Security/SSI, and Student Debt Counseling.
United Tenants of Albany
255 Orange Street, Albany, NY, 12210
United Tenants assist clients in need of emergency rental assistance, to help clients move in or out of residences, educate clients in Know Your Rights, for legal purposes, and to help provide safe, decent, and affordable housing.
Homeless and Travelers Aid Society
138 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206
HATAS strives to combat homelessness for all citizens in the capital region. With programs like Code Blue, Feed and Read, HATAS Furniture Bank, Coordinated Entry, HHES, CTT, Rapid Rehousing, Supportive Housing, and Prison Re-Entry.